Kim J, Crassidis J, Vadali S, Dershowitz A. estação Espacial Internacional vazamento de localização usando atitude de dados de resposta. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 2006; setembro-outubro.
Chamitoff G, James G, Barker D, Dershowitz A. Martian resource locations: Identification and optimization. Acta Astronautica 2005; 56: 756-769.Chamitoff G, James G, Barker D, Dershowitz A. Mars mission optimization based on collocation of resources. 6th International on Mars, Pasadena, CA, July 20-25, 2003.,
Dershowitz A. ISPATOM: a case study in new-Generics for operational environments. Space Ops 2002 / World Space Congress 2002, Houston, TX, October 9-12, 2002.Chamitoff G, Dershowitz A. Bird’s eye view—a 3-D situational awareness tool for the Space Station. Space Ops 2002 / World Space Congress 2002, Houston, TX, October 9-12, 2002.
Kim J, Crassidis J, Vadali S, Dershowitz A. ISS leak localization using attitude response. Proceedings, AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, Montreal, Canadá; agosto de 2001.Chamitoff GE, Dershowitz A. Bryson AL., Otimização de manobras de nível de comando para a Estação Espacial Internacional. Proceedings, 23rd Annual AAS Guidance and Control Conference, Breckenridge, CO, February 2, 2000.Dershowitz A. the effect of options on pilot decision making in the presence of risk. Ph. D. thesis, Department of Aeronauts and Astronautics and MIT, Cambridge, MA, October 1997.Deshowitz A, Hansman RJ. Uma exploração de opções na tomada de decisões aeronáuticas com base no valor. Proceedings, 9th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH, 30 de abril-1 de Maio de 1997.,Dershowitz A, Lind AT, Chandra DC, Bussolari SR. the effect of compression induced distortion of graphical weather on pilot decision making. 8th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Columbus, OH, 1995.Hansman RJ, Dershowitz A. Temperature measurements reveal accretion of ice on airfoils. Relatórios Técnicos da NASA, julho de 1995.Lind AT, Dershowitz A, Chandra DC, Bussolari SR. a human factors approach to the development and evaluation of the graphical weather service. Proceedings, 14th Annual Digital Avionics Systems Conference, Cambridge, MA, 1995.,Simpson R, Hansman RJ, Dershowitz a, Yamaguchi K, Kazmierczak M, Wanke C. An Investigation of air transportation technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1990-1991. Proceedings, NASA Joint University Program for Air Transportation Research, 1990-1991, NASA CP-3131, June 1991.Dershowitz A, Hansman RJ. Experimental investigation of passive infrared ice detection of helicopter applications. Apresentado na 29th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, paper AIAA-91-0667, Reno, NV, 7-10 de janeiro de 1991.Dershowitz A, Hansman RJ., Detecção passiva de gelo infravermelho para aplicações em helicópteros. 46th Annual Forum of the American Helicopter Society, May 1990.
Dershowitz A, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles; History, Uses, Risks, Examples. Apresentação convidada em Perkins Eastman, 7/17/2019
Dershowitz A, Drone Use-Risk and Reward, CLE presentation, Pennsylvania Defense Institute, 6/13/2018
Dershowitz a, Freudenberg M, Lagonia S. Evening Legal Issues in Commercial Use of Drones. Wcba Business & Commercial Law Committee CLE panel, 29 de Setembro de 2016.,Dershowitz A, Boone s, Heymann S, Kaminski M, Goetz J, McCoy D. Legal Issues and Litigation Relating to the Use of Unmanned Aircraft/Drones. ABA Webinar and CLE, 29 de Junho de 2016.Dershowitz a, Alkalay L, Cohen S, Oliveri J, Goglia J, Sachs P. Drone History, laws, Education and Personal and Commercial Applications, Vaughn College and AIAA Panel, May 7, 2016. Dershowitz A, Jones M, Casey, S. Not To Drone On… Um mergulho mais profundo e pairar em dispositivos aéreos não tripulados. DRI Product Liability, New Orleans, LA, Fev, 2016.,Dershowitz A, Everett S, Mormino a, Deneen, G, Spying in the Sky – Drones, The New Frontier, CPC Society Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, Oct 3-6, 2015.Dershowitz A, Everett S, Mormino a, Deneen, G, Spying in the Sky – Drones, The New Frontier, CPC Society Webinar, ago 25, 2015.Invited Commentator,” Raging Rockets ” Engineering Disasters, the History Channel, May 23, 2015.comentarista convidado, “Trapped Under Seattle” Engineering Disasters, the History Channel, May 16, 2015.Dershowitz A. Aircraft Accident Investigation., Professor Convidado Da Universidade Politécnica Estadual Da Califórnia, Pomona, Nov. 2011, Nov. 2012.Dershowitz A, Weaver B. Engineering case studies of aircraft incidents, lessons learned. Reunião Anual da ordem dos advogados de Chicago sobre Direito Da Aviação, outubro de 2007.
Dershowitz A. Failure analysis with case studies. Society for the Advancement of Materials and Process, ASM Failure Analysis Round Table, Cal State Northridge, April 26, 2006.Dershowitz A, Reza a, Schroeder S. ” What happened? Como um laboratório de engenharia pode ajudá-lo a descobrir!,”2006 Winter Meeting of the California Conference of Arson Investigators, San Luis Obispo, CA January 30–February 1, 2006.

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