John F Kennedy
przyczyna śmierci: zamordowany podczas parady

2. Tupac Shakur
przyczyna śmierci: ofiara strzelaniny z samochodu

3., Michael Jackson
Cause of death: Drug Overdose

4. Elvis Presley
Cause of death: Heart attack
5. River Phoenix
Cause of death: Drug overdose

6., Ted Bundy
Cause of death: Execution by the electric chair

7. Bruce Lee
Cause of death: Cerebral Edema
8. Etta James
Cause of death: Leukemia
9., Martin Luther King Jr
Cause of death: Assassinated
10. Marilyn Monroe
Cause of death: Suicide

11. James Brown
Cause of death: Pneumonia
12., Grace Kelly
Cause of death: traumatic brain injury
13. Marvin Gaye
Cause of death: Shot to death by his own father
14. Hank Williams
Cause of death: Heart Attack
15., Mother Teresa
Cause of death: congestive heart failure
16. Bill Robinson
Cause of death: cardiovascular disease
17. Selena
Cause of death: Murdered by the president of her own fan club