debido a restricciones de liga, conferencia u otras, es posible que algunas transmisiones deportivas solo estén disponibles en el aire en 720 WGN. Los oyentes en línea escucharán programación alternativa.

El horario y los invitados están sujetos a cambios, incluida la cobertura en vivo de conferencias de prensa y otros eventos de noticias de última hora.,Computer Science at the University Of Chicago, and Nicole Harwell, Associate Professor at the U of C Crown Family School of Social Work, Policy & Practice, discuss their new study examining the digital divide in Chicago
5:36AM: Ted Cox, editor of One Illinois, talks about why the publication ceased publication and discusss the overall state of local journalism
6am: HouseSmarts Radio with Lou Manfredini

10am: Home Sweet Home Chicago con David Hochberg
el panel de expertos incluye a Baird & Warner Real Estate Broker Associate Jill C., Van Riet, Igor Murokh con el Sr.,y Hogel

1pm: Eye on Travel with Peter Greenberg

3:15pm: Northwestern Wildcats Prejuego con Dave EANET

3:30pm: Northwestern Wildcats Basketball with Dave EANET and Joey Meyer – Northwestern at Purdue

Following basketball (approximately 5:45pm): Dave Plier

7pm: NewsNation

10pm: WGN Showcase

domingo, 7 de febrero

5AM: the great outdoors with Charlie Potter

5:30am: Steve Dale Pet World
6am: the Lutheran Hour

6:30am: the Sinatra hours with Dave Plier

9am: Dean Richards’ Sunday morning

1pm: Steve dale
1:05pm: Dr.,Ith Dave EANET

8pm: Northwestern Wildcats Basketball with Dave EANET and Joey Meyer – Northwestern vs Indiana

Following basketball (approximately 10:20pm): Rollye James

1am: Jim Bohannon

jueves, 11 de febrero

4am: WGN Early Morning News

5am: Bob Sirott
9am: John Williams
12pm: Wintrust Business Lunch con John Williams

1pm: Anna Davlantes

4pm: Chicago afternoon News con Steve Bertrand

6:30pm: Chicago Blackhawks prejuego con Chris Boden

7pm: Chicago Blackhawks hockey con John Wiedeman y Troy Murray – Blackhawks vs., Columbus

10: 30pm: Rollye James

1am: Jim Bohannon

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