Parallel Circuit and Current Division
to elementer er parallelle, hvis de er forbundet mellem det samme par noter. Hvis hvert element er parallelt med hvert andet element, kaldes det et parallelt kredsløb.
Den tilsvarende modstand modstand forbundet i parallel
Den tilsvarende ledningsevne er summen af de enkelte ledningsevne
Eksempel 1: Find den samlede modstand værdi.,=”c93b939568″>
Eksempel 2: For følgende kredsløb, find den samlede resister værdi
Alt modstand værdi er
Eksempel 3: Til følgende kredsløb:
- Find den samlede resister værdi RT
- Find den nuværende iT
- Find de aktuelle i hver gren
- Find effekttab ved hver modstand
1., Total resistor value
2. The total current can be calculated as
3., The current in each branch
Verify that
4., The power dissipated by each resistor
Example 4: Find the current of i1, i2, i3, and i4 in the following circuit.,6d3c4″>
Taking the inverse
Finding the voltage of the circuit
Current of each wire using the circuit voltage
Current division:
Consider the following circuit., Spændingen v falder over hver af modstandene parallelt givet med hensyn til strøm og modstande.,
The current ii through the resistor Ri can be calculated using voltage
Example 5: Given the following circuit, find the current i2
Current division
Example 6: For the following circuit, determine i1 to i3.,
The voltage can be calculated as
To check result:
Example 7: For the following circuit, determine i1 to i3.,The voltage can be calculated as
To check result:
Practice Problems:
(Click image to view solution)
Practice 1: Find the voltage V1, V2 and the current I1, I2 for the following circuit.,3″>
Node 1 Voltage as
Practice 2: Find the current of i1, i2, and i3 through each parallel product.,iv>
The current is
Applying Kirchoff’s Law
The current is or
Practice 3: Find V1, V2 voltages on the series parallel circuit., id=”38cbc9975a”>
The voltage on node 2:
By Kirchhoff’s voltage law
Practice 4: Find the voltage Vg and the currents I1 & I3 for the following circuit.,”>
Apply Kirchhoff’s current law
Practice 5: Find the current of i1 on the following circuit.,:
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Everything is in parallel